Selasa, 20 Januari 2009

the animal only in one season
can enjoy the happines of love
but the man can enjoy the happines of love
all time until he become old...

perhabs you good for you
and perhabs you love while
it's danger...

he that has a pity upon the poor
lend unto the lord, and that
which he has given will payhim again...

have the conguest because in
crease a friend is more importan
than than the conguest because
because have from a woman

3 komentar:

  1. Yang pzt`a buat seseorang yang da di kejauhan mba.... Kenapa ya Allah terlalu cepat memisahkan kami,,,terasa berat q harus melepas dia tuk kembali kepangkuan Allah..... Tapi sekarang Q dah dapat pengganti`a.... Q senang banget,,,mga Q menemukan kembali kebahagian Q dengan dia,,dia yang telah mengisi kekosongan hari-hari Q.....

  2. mba sneng lo qm jga sneng..

    ea,, kan d'dunia nie gag da yg abadi...

  3. ea nez q gak tw artin'a.
    tyus pnya km artiNy pa'an?????????????
